(Modena, March 31st, 1941 – Bologna, December 10th, 1995) Registered by the mother at both the Modena and Parma registry offices, in order to have 2 ration cards, Bonvi spent his youth in Modena where he began drawing toy soldiers on the tablecloths of the taverns he visited. His life is called “an invented life”: in fact it seems like every episode in Franco Bonvicini’s life is worthy of a story. His birthplace, for example, is argued between Modena and Parma: even if born in Modena, his mother registered him in the registry office of both cities, for him to have a double ration card (necessary for the provision of food during the strict rationing imposed by the war).His first official approach to work occurs in the field of advertising. In 1965, in virtue of his friendship with Guccini, that he had known for more than a decade, he undertakes a collaboration with the studio of an animated cinema, the Vinder Film. He participates in the creation of this film, contributing to the memorable, animated advertisements for Amarena Fabbri, with Salomone pirata pacioccone, which appeared on Carosello. In the following 2 years, he also gained experience in the field of cinema (costume designer, make-up artist), even going so far as playing the part of Derek Flit alongside Franco Franchi, Ciccio Ingrassia and Julie Menard, in the short film, How We Stole the Atomic Bomb, directed by Lucio Fulci.1968 is the year in which Sturmtruppen strips, his most famous characters, are published for the first time on the Roman underground magazine Off-Side. This issue however was not published regularly. Bonvi wins the competition hosted by the newspaper Paese Sera, held at the Lucca Comics Show. In this newspaper, the stories of unfortunate German army soldiers are officially published. In collaboration with his friend Francesco Guccini, he creates both the script and drawings from 1968 until 1970. The Storie dallo spazio profondo are published in the monthly magazine Psyco. They are science fiction stories that depict a human being (Bonvi) and his as protagonists robot appears (Guccini). Bonvi’s characteristic of becoming the protagonist of his comics, started in this period. It is also noticeable in the first stories of the Incubi di provincia series, created in those years and then continued in fits and starts until 1977.In 1969 he designs, specially for the Alpe editions, the characters of Capitan Posapiano and Cattivik. This is a parody of the black comics at the time, deriving from an old idea of his, which had already appeared in the n.0 of Undercomics. Bonvi leaves Cattivik’s legacy to Silver (Guido Silvestri), a very young collaborator of him. Between the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s, he created Nick Carter‘s character for the television broadcast, Gulp! I fumetti in TV. This detective parody, infallible like Sherlock Holmes, landed on the pages of Il Corriere dei Ragazzi in 1972. The following two-year period opens with the production of the Cronache del dopobomba, which are not appreciated by Italian publishers. Therefore they are published in France in 1974, thanks to the success reached by Bonvi with the prize of the Prix International St. Michel, at the first edition of the festival of Angoulême in 1973. This recognition introduces it on the French market for which he realizes the adventures of Milo Marat, and collaborates with numerous magazines (Pif, Scope) and authors French speakers (Claude Moliterni in particular). In 1974, he won the Yellow Kid at the Lucca International Comics Show and the prize Nettuno, awarded by the ANAF of Bologna, which he also receives in a subsequent edition. The Un uomo Un’avventura series from the Cepim Editorial by Sergio Bonelli, sees him as the protagonist of number 13, L’uomo di Tsushima, in 1978. The following year he draws the parody of Saturnino Farandola by Albert Robida, Marzolino Tarantola, appearing in the episode of March 8, 1979 in the new comic series on TV renamed Supergulp!.In 1982 he created Heidi contro Ufo Robot for the Italian Playboy, making fun of the now widespread Japanese animated cartoons. In the second half of the 80s, as well as being elected to the municipal council of Bologna, with Red Ronnie, born Gabriele Ansaloni, he founded the publishing house G. Vincent which publishes, for this five-year period, the new monthly of the Sturmtruppen and Be Bop a Lula magazine.Between 1993 and 1994 he draws exclusively for charity of the periodical Comix di Franco Cosimo Panini, Blob, born from a rib of the Sturmtruppen and defined as “the shit comic by Bonvi »and creates for Linus The Calendar of Frate Indurino. In 1995 he executes Maledetta Galassia and La Città, screenplays, the design of which is entrusted to Giorgio Cavazzano, originally conceived for the Bonelli’s Zone X miniseries and published in the series The great comics of the comic strip, by the same publishing house. In the same year he draws his latest work Alì Babà e i quaranta ladroni in which, with great care for details and settings, he reinterprets the original story told in Mille e una notte, creating new characters. These 30 boards for which Bonvi drew inspiration from some trips to the Middle East and the study of various architectural texts, accompanied by the version of the fairy tale created by Enrico Brizzi, were recently published in the volume Apriti sesamo, published by Magazzini Salani.He died on December 10th 1995 struck by a hit-and-run. He was on his way, to the show Roxy Bar hosted by his friend Red Ronnie, where he was a guest asked to sell his work, of which the proceeds would have gone to his friend Magnus, who was suffering from cancer at the time.