Melissa Zanella
Melissa Zanella was born in Schio (Vicenza, Italy) on March 16, 1971. After attending an artistic high school, she studied Architecture at the University and began learning – as an autodidact – the language of comics. In the early ‘90s, Melissa published some brief stories on the underground magazine Snuff and on the comics anthology Jam City by the publishing house Valdo Futura.Her first job experience was the realization of a Motor Mike short episode published on Italia XXII secolo Unlimited by Phoenix Enterprise. About twenty exams after that, Melissa started collaborating with the S. Bonelli publishing house, for which she draws five episodes of the Legs Weaver series and a comic book of the Greystorm miniseries. Now and then she traced over some colleagues’ drawings with Indian ink (for example, on the Martin Mystère’s episode Il re rosso).Between 2013 and 2014, she took part in Illustra nos a Malo and I piccoli maestri illustrate, two celebrative expositions dedicated to Luigi Meneghello’s 50th anniversaries (related to Libera nos a malo e I piccoli maestri). A portfolio and a notebook displayed the illustrations of all the participants. Two illustrations of hers were selected and displayed at the University of Reading in England – where Luigi Meneghello founded the Department of Italian Studies.In February 2015, the S. Bonelli publishing house published Il sole del mattino, an episode of Agenzia Alfa, a unique, long story (282 boards) completely inspired by Edward Hopper’s paintings.At the moment, Melissa is part of the Nathan Never staff.Facebook: @MelissaZanellaComics – https://www.facebook.com/MelissaZanellaComics/Instagram: @mel.zanella – https://www.instagram.com/mel.zanella/