
The charm of contemporary wallpapers arises from the fusion among design, art, and decoration. Tecnografica produces exclusive wallpapers with a strong scenographic and decorative impact.

Decorative panels

Designed for interior walls of prestige, decorative panels are the most innovative product by Tecnografica. From glossy or matt to backlit finishes, these panels are suitable for luxurious residential, commercial, and public environments, but also for offices and HoReCa sector.

Decorative panels

Designed for interior walls of prestige, decorative panels are the most innovative product by Tecnografica. From glossy or matt to backlit finishes, these panels are suitable for luxurious residential, commercial, and public environments, but also for offices and HoReCa sector.

Decorative panels

Designed for interior walls of prestige, decorative panels are the most innovative product by Tecnografica. From glossy or matt to backlit finishes, these panels are suitable for luxurious residential, commercial, and public environments, but also for offices and HoReCa sector.

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