Visioni is the Tecnografica wallpaper collection that combines human artistic abilities and the most advanced technologies, redefining the boundaries of art applied to design.
Visioni is a journey into the possibilities of artistic experimentation, an unbridled exploration through unexplored worlds and new creative processes. Like an endless chase towards the origin of the rainbow.
It is this sense of freedom that the creatives at Tecnografica took inspiration from, abandoning themselves completely to inspiration to distill its essence down to the last pixel, the last lump of material, the last stroke of the spatula.
Peyote, Mandragola, and Yage – the first subjects of this collection – are natural substances that induce visionary experiences and profound changes in the perception of reality. People see images, hear sounds and experience sensations that seem real but aren’t.
In this collection, the concept is reversed: when faced with Visioni wallpapers, people experience sensations that may seem surreal, but instead reveal all their concreteness in the wall application.
Tecnografica continues to maintain the pioneering approach that has always distinguished it. The synergy among art, craftsmanship, and innovative technologies remains the beacon that guides the company’s designers through the search for beauty and originality. Traditional limits, in fact, are constantly challenged in the daily integration between craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology. In a context like this, a collection like Visioni could only find fertile ground.
With Visioni, interior design opens up to wonder and dreams, creating effects of depth towards parallel dimensions, where wallpaper becomes a real window overlooking imaginary worlds.