
Metal is the collection that brings together all the wallpaper designs designed specifically for the Metal finish. This collection brings together graphic subjects whose metallic details are enhanced by the silver foil and the fabric effect of the finish. Designs with different styles – inspired by nature, geometric motifs, dreamy landscapes and others – become the protagonists of every environment, both residential and commercial, that wishes to shine and be noticed.

Added to this proposal is Metal Plus, the evolution of Tecnografica’s Metal finish. Thanks to an innovative manufacturing process, this version allows you to alternate opaque and metallic areas, creating an even more sophisticated effect of depth and brightness. The images are defined in every part of the finish, while the silver base guarantees bright and intense colours, reproducing both warm and cold tones with extreme fidelity. Metal Plus represents a further creative possibility to make the most of any interior design project.

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Using a camera or your smartphone, take a photo of the wall you want to paper. Upload it on our site and choose the graphics you like the most to have a preview of the final result on your wall.

When loading, you are required to enter: the sizes of the wall; an email address to which the simulation will be sent; other necessary small details.


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