Agata Mix
Code 79306
A single slab can reach a size of 150×300 cm and can be entirely decorated and customized, following the specific characteristics of your own project.
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Agata Mix
Code 79306
A single slab can reach a size of 150×300 cm and can be entirely decorated and customized, following the specific characteristics of your own project.
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Via Cimabue, 13 – 42014 Castellarano (RE) Italy
Tel. +39 0536 826111 – Fax +39 0536 826110 – E-mail:
CAP.SOC. EURO 500.000,00 – C.F. REG. IMP. REGGIO EMILIA 01702990357
REA RE-207372 – P.IVA 01702990357
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