“Like in a traditional Japanese House, the spaces are in balance with color, shapes and light.“.
This is how Architect Giuseppe Falvo describes the project realized for Daimyo Japanese restaurant in Buccinasco (Italy). The restaurant is made up of a former industrial building. The project aimed at livening up the rectangular diagram and providing harmony between materials and colors.
The first objective has been faced by developing different areas with the use of furniture and by exploiting the building height. Tecnografica‘s floral wallpaper has been installed to create continuity throughout the restaurant. The selected design is “Fuxia“, signed by Giorgia Beltrami for Art Collections.
An in-depth study on materials and colors was carried out to solve the second objective. Architect Giuseppe Falvo opted for warm tones and materials like wood, stone and stained iron. These elements have been combined in a balanced way to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere.
Project by: Giuseppe Falvo – http://www.giuseppefalvo.com/
Location: Daimyo – https://www.daimyobuccinasco.com/