#TecnoInspo is the column designed to inspire experts and enthusiasts in the world of architecture and interior design through 3D projects created by professionals with Tecnografica products.
In the world of interior design, every element can become an opportunity to express creativity and personality, and the application of wallpaper on doors and flush-to-the-wall doors is a perfect example of this.

This technique allows you to transform functional elements such as doors and shutters into the absolute protagonists of the spaces, merging them with the environment or, on the contrary, making them emerge as unique and surprising details.

Thanks to wallpaper, doors and doors flush with the wall can be a means of obtaining an effect of visual continuity, ideal for those who love minimalist and sophisticated environments. This solution, in fact, allows you to make these surfaces ‘invisible’, camouflaging them in the wall, or to transform them into real design elements, playing with colours, textures and patterns.

Let yourself be inspired by this technique and discover how a simple detail can transform an environment, making it unique and unrepeatable. When design and functionality meet, extraordinary solutions are born!